Declassified documents

and Findings

Herlands Investigation New Finds

The declassified Herlands investigation has for decades been the primary source about Operation Underworld. A reexamination of the 3,000+ pages of testimony has revealed some very important information about the people involved in Operation Underworld, and what they did.

FBI Files

Declassified documents reveal that the FBI was very close to uncovering Operation Underworld. From secret agent memos to interviews, and even documents from the head of the FBI himself, J. Edgar Hoover.

Other New Reveals

For so many years the information available about Operation Underworld was protected on so many levels. But thanks to research conducted for this book, and what it reveals within its pages, we now know a whole lot more about the events that transpired during WWII.

The above document was taken from Commander Haffenden’s folder in the Herlands File at the University of Rochester Archives.

It shows the six squads under Haffenden’s command. Squad #3 was particularly interesting because it has both Dominick and Felix Sacco on the roster (Agent X and Agent Y, respectively).

But anyone else with the designation “Agent” is a civilian who has not been identified for their involvement during WWII. If you look at the third to last image in the Operation Underworld book, you’ll find many of those names and their picture. If you find out what they did for a living, you may crack the code of what their role was on the team when they conducted Surreptitious Entries.

Can you find out who these people are? There is still so much still to be revealed! If you want to correspond regarding this research, please contact me at: